My first solo trip - Beijing, China
The journey of 6,000 miles begins with one click… And an impulse purchase on Groupon.
My travel adventures began six years ago in Beijing, China. Now how does a chronically ill, broke, introvert with social anxiety and no experience traveling end up alone in Beijing, China? I'm glad you asked. Groupon, silly. For $999, I purchased an 8-day tour package to Beijing with flight, hotel, meals, and excursions included.
In all honesty, it wasn't that I had some burning desire to see China in particular. I simply wanted to visit every country in the world, and China seemed like as good a place as any to begin. I was 35 and tired of unsuccessfully begging friends and family to travel with me. I was tired of looking at other people's fabulous vacation photos on social media, longingly watching travel programs and voraciously reading books on different countries, cultures, and attractions. I could no longer wait around for someone to join me in pursuing my dream of seeing the world. If I wanted to see the world, then I had to make it happen. And I had to make it happen now.
In my late 20's I started experiencing severe chronic pain and a litany of unexplained and seemingly unrelated medical symptoms. I saw doctor after doctor looking for answers, but no one seemed to have any. All I knew was, I was getting older, sicker, and potentially running out of time to see the world. So I fired up Groupon Travel and looked for the least expensive international option. Hello China!
Great Wall of China
I clicked purchase and set an appointment at the Chinese consulate to get my VISA... then it sank in. I was going alone to China!!! I didn't even go to the movies alone. I was terrified! What if I got sick there? Doctors in Los Angeles couldn't even figure out what was wrong with me. What would it be like sitting in an ER with zero understanding of Mandarin? What if I got lost? What if everyone in my tour groups hated me? What if I hated them?
How would I get around? How would I handle a 13-hour flight across the Pacific when I'd never flown any longer than NY to LA? I was spiraling. Why didn't I just go to Canada? Canada always seemed nice. And close. And far less likely to have squat toilets!
As much as I hated the idea of traveling alone, facing my anxieties and squatting over a hole whenever I felt "the call of doody," I hated the idea of giving up on my travel dreams even more. That, and the $999 was non-refundable.